Success Stories

Doghouse Promotions Saves ESPN $150,000

Doghouse Promotions implemented a solution that saved this client about $150,000 a year for orders of 3.6 million coasters that required extra handling to nine different locations. Read More »

Doghouse Promotions Lights Up the New Meadowlands Stadium

ESPN needed 80,000 innovative premiums delivered in 45 days for the opening NY Jets game at the new Meadowlands Stadium. The premiums had to be new, different and had to ‘Light up’. The NFL’s suppliers said impossible. Concept, distribution and delivery all had challenges to overcome Read More »

Which Way to Go?

Every year there is a huge college basketball tournament in memory of one of the greatest sports coaches of all time - Jimmy Valentino. Every player that enters the tournament gets a high-end gift. Read More »

How to Make a Miracle Happen and Save $20,000

​Our client, Brocade, had a tradeshow across the country in Florida. Management decided late to give out a t shirt to attendees. Problem: the tradeshow was in 5 days. Read More »

The Delta Deadline

Ignition needed an apparel idea for Delta's 4th of July event - quick! Read More »

Color Perfect Totes, for a Great Price

One of our longtime clients came to us with a challenge: having recently re-branded, they had been having some difficulty getting their new Pantone colors matched correctly. Read More »