Which Way to Go?

Every year there is a huge college basketball tournament in memory of one of the greatest sports coaches of all time - Jimmy Valentino. The Jimmy V Tournament benefits the Jimmy V Cancer Foundation. www.jimmyv.org. Every player that enters the tournament gets a high-end gift. Over the years, Doghouse Promotions has provided some wonderful gifts such as Noise Reducing Headphones, Sony PSP Playstations, iTouch’s, Flip Video Devices, Bose Sound Docks and more. The logistics of this project are massive: 25 teams, averaging 28 players. Before us, ESPN would ship each gift individually, wasting incredible amount of time and resources.

Doghouse Promotions stepped in and took over fulfillment. We packed each gift with a personalized letter from ESPN, and organized timely delivery across the entire USA within a 7-day period. The fulfillment alone takes 3 full days with multiple hands on deck. Doghouse Promotions filled each of these projects at no additional charge, meanwhile delivering the product at or below budget.

The savings and headaches saved by DHP were value added services that made our clients lives (and their shipping departments!) easier.

Situation #2:
After several years completing this project, the players get a little jaded. We needed to really blow their socks off. ESPN wanted a high tech item that would create a buzz. At the time, GPS’s were becoming very popular, yet not standard in mobile devices or vehicles. Cost of a decent GPS was in the neighborhood of $400-$500/ea, which exceeded ESPN’s budget.

Solution #2:
Our strategic partnership overseas, allowed DHP to deliver one of the hottest premiums ever to ESPN—a totally customized GPS. Our factory produces many of Garmin’s top models; we created one for our client with the same specs as Garmin’s high-end model, yet completely customized for ESPN. This stylish and expertly branded GPS was at a price point $200 below Garmin’s equivalent model.

Result #2:
The response was enormous! We had multiple internal requests for more. Below, are just a few specs included:

1. Black GPS with metallic silver client logo

2. Ultra High Speed Processor and Extra Memory for Internal MP3 Player

3. Start up displayed with clients priority network logo

4. High End Totally Customized Packaging

5. Created and provided client branded instruction manual on CD

6. Included best maps available

7. DHP handled all post delivery calls and warranties, no charge

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